
Dyson Sphere Machine Dependency Calculator

Tired of optimizing your production line in the Dyson Sphere Program manually? I wrote this Machine Dependency Calculator to make your and specifically my partner's life easier. It is based on PHP and calculates how many machines are required to produce a certain amount of material and how many machines you can build without oversaturating your conveyor belts.


Ceres Convertibles

The Ceres Convertibles are a pair of convertible mittens with the option to add a leaf pattern on the flap. I was inspired to design this pattern by my boyfriend who really wanted a pair of convenient gloves for his daily life. I added the leaf design afterwards for the following gloves to give it the last personal touch. You can see more details and the knitting pattern here


AnCo's Binoxxo

I enjoy logic puzzles and chose the binary puzzle Binoxxo to learn how to write an Android app. AnCo's Binoxxo is now available as early access in the Google Play Store! All feedback is appreciated.
As I appreciate open-source software, I made the code for my app available in a public GitHub repository.

I offer animations for scientific visualization or product demonstrations.

Interested? Contact me!

[email protected]